Cooperative Stories podcast

Listen now to our podcast series 

Modern day cooperative pioneers share how they are building a democratic and equitable economy.  

The podcast will have a strong West Midlands focus, to make our regional voice stronger. We will also welcome listeners and guests from all over the world, as we are an international movement.

The podcast recording will be permanently available on our podcast platform and on our website, and via our social media.  You can also follow our Podcast by clicking here and pressing the “follow” icon.  You do not need a Soundcloud account to listen to our Podcast.

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If you like the Cooperative Stories Podcast, please donate to help keep our Podcast series going.



people together are stronger

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Serving the needs of people everywhere

Would your cooperative like to be featured in our podcast?

We’re particularly interested in coops who can talk about their social, economic and environmental impact.  

Contact us

A growing and sustainable model of enterprise

Give us your feedback on our podcast

Let us have your comments on our podcasts.  Your feedback is a gift to us.
